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Swap Connect
  • Rules and Poilcy
    • Overall Scheme
    • Trading, Clearing and Settlement
  • Onboarding
  • Trading & Clearing
    • Trading & Clearing Mechanism
    • Swap Connect Dealers
    • OTCC Clearing Members

How to get ready for swap connect
Swap Connect Onboarding

Application process
  1. Approach an OTCC clearing member for clearing account. If investor is an OTCC clearing member, it can do central clearing via OTCC directly.
  2. Contract with Recognized trading access platform(s)
  3. Application process
    1. Investor submits application forms to BCCL
    2. BCCL account manager will conduct preliminary review and submit qualified application to CFETS
    3. Upon CFETS feedback, BCCL sends Swap Connect CFETS ID to investor

Document requirements for swap connect
  1. Before applying for swap connect, institutional investors are required to obtain PBOC’s filing notice for Bond Connect or CIBM Direct. Approved investors with PBOC’s filing notices are able to proceed for Swap Connect trading account application.
  2. Eligible foreign investors shall submit required forms via BCCL E-Filing System, including Northbound Swap Connect Investor Business Application Form and relevant Commitment Statement.
            Download: Form 1: Northbound Swap Connect Investor Business Application Form (available in E-Filing system)           
            Download: Form 2: Northbound Swap Connect Registration Update Form (available in E-Filing system)           
            Download: Form 3: Northbound Swap Connect Exit Form (available in E-Filing system)

*The application forms posted above are for general reference. Eligible foreign investors are required to onboard Swap Connect through the BCCL E-Filing System.

Northbound Swap Connect Investor List
Please refer to "Northbound Swap Connect Overseas Institutional Investors" under "IRS Market Members" on CFETS website for the full list.